Upload attachments to tasks using the ClickUp API. This guide outlines the key requirements for file uploads.


For detailed code examples, refer to the [Create Task docs](πŸ”—ο»Ώ).

## Key Requirements

  • **Content-Type**: Use `multipart/form-data` in your request header, not `application/json`.

  • **File Upload Structure**:

    • Attach files using the `attachment[]` array (e.g., `attachment[0]`, `attachment[1]`).

    • Optional query parameters: `custom_task_ids`, `team_id`.

### Limitations

  • The maximum file size is 1 GB.

  • No limitations on file types.

## API Endpoint

  • **Endpoint**: [Create Task Attachment](πŸ”—ο»Ώ)ο»Ώ

  • **Method**: `POST`

  • **Authorization**: Requires a valid API token.

### Error Handling

The API returns a `4xx` error, with the error code `GBUSED_005` when the account storage limit has been exceeded.

## Using Postman?

You can use multipart/form data using Postman by following [these instructions](πŸ”—ο»Ώ).